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Lifestrong Wellbeing Questionnaire
Our genes only control a small portion of our health and wellbeing. The environment controls the rest. This gives us the opportunity to be in the driving seat of our well-being. Sometimes we can be unsure or unaware of how well we are driving our mind, our body, our work, and our life. This wellbeing questionnaire provides you with a guide as to how things are going for you and ican be used to assist with setting priorities for next steps to help you be the best driver of your life that you can be! Please rate yourself on 25 wellbeing questions using a scale of 1-4.
1 = rarely
2 = once in a while
3 = half of the time
4 = most of the time
1. I am fully present, attentive, and focussed, on the activity, task, meeting and/or conversation in which I am engaged in the moment.
Choose an option
2. When faced with stresses and roadblocks, I say to myself “I can handle this”
Choose an option
3. I believe that I can accomplish whatever I set my mind and body to do
Choose an option
4. When obsessions or addictions arise, I work diligently on overcoming them, which includes getting help if I need it
Choose an option
5. I act thoughtfully on my positive and negative emotions when they pop up
Choose an option
6. I cultivate and enjoy positive feelings related to my past
Choose an option
7. I celebrate the present by savouring small pleasures in life
Choose an option
8. I am hopeful and optimistic about the future
Choose an option
9. I am able to bounce back quickly from setbacks
Choose an option
27+ = represents mastery of your mind and emotions. There is always room to improve, however with a score like this you will probably find other areas of life will prove more fruitful in terms of effort made for the result.
22-26 = means you are well on the way to becoming a master of your mind.
19-21 = means you are a novice on the way to mastering your internal world.
<18 = means you are in training. Seek support and encouragement from others who have more mastery than you. Consider using some of the tools outlined in our free positive psychology basic package. (Currently in production)
1. I put high octane fuels (healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, and healthy drinks like fresh or sparkling water, herbal teas, green tea) in my tank.
Choose an option
2. I put unhealthy foods and drinks in my tank (such as processed foods, animal foods, fizzy drinks, alcohol and smoking) (use our nutrition traffic light system as a guide and subtract your score from the total )
Choose an option
3. I exercise my body with vigour at least 3 days per week
Choose an option
4. I am a competent boss of my weight
Choose an option
5. Most nights I get a good night’s sleep
Choose an option
6. I get medical tests, seek medical advice, and manage my health issues
Choose an option
7. I listen to, and act thoughtfully on the signals that my body sends to me on what it needs
Choose an option
8. My energy is high from morning to night
Choose an option
21+ = represents mastery of your body and its well-being
18-21 = represents being well on the way to achieving mastery of your body’s well-being
15-18 = represents a novice level on the way to mastering your body’s well-being
14 or below = means you are in training and we recommend you seek support and encouragement from those further down the track than you. Utilise the tools which are available or become available on our website, to assist you and consider engaging a health coach
1. I have crafted a life which has meaning and a sense of purpose
Choose an option
2. I use my top strengths most days
Choose an option
3. I often express gratitude
Choose an option
4. I do good deeds for others which aren’t expected
Choose an option
5. I connect with people who matter so they are part of my support system
Choose an option
6. I am in control of my finances, so they don’t control me
Choose an option
7. I make time to recharge my batteries which includes having fun in control of my finances, so they don’t control me
Choose an option
8. I view setbacks as learning opportunities
Choose an option
9. I am knowledgeable and ever curious about the latest discoveries on optimizing well-being
Choose an option
27+ = indicates a mastery of life and work.
23-26 = represents being well on the way to mastery of life and work.
19-22 = indicates novice level on the road to mastery. Keep going.
18 or below = means you are in training. Seek support from those who are further down the road than you. Consider a life coaching service if you are stuck.
Thanks for submitting!
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