Books, websites and documentaries
Food for thought!
Dr Michael Greger MD
How not to Die-How not to Diet
Dr Cauldwell Esselstyn MD
Prevent and Reverse Heart disease and cook book
T.Colin Campbell
The China Study Whole-Rethinking the Science of Nutrition
Dr Dean Ornish MD
Dean Ornish’s Program for Reversins heart Disease
Dr Neal Barnard MD
Your Body in Balance Reversing Diabetes Power Foods for the Brain
Cyrus and Robbie
Prevent and Cure Diabetes
Dr Gemma Newman,UK GP
The Plant Power Doctor
Dr John A.McDougall MD
The Starch Solution
Team Drs Sherzie, Phychiatrists
The Alzheimers solution
Dr Joel FuhrmanMD
Feed your Kids Right Eat to Live
Michael Pollan
In Defense of Food -an eaters manifesto
Dr David Katz MD
The Truth about Food
Andrea S.Wiley
ReImaginging Milk-cultural and Biological perspectives
DR Rangan Chatterjee
How to make Disease disappear
Dr Reshma Shahma,Brenda Davis
Nourish: The Definitive Plant based Nutrition Guide for families
Dr David Katz,Cardiologist
The truth About Food
Dr Alan Desmond,Gastroenterologist
The Plant based Diet Revolution
Dr Dan Bulsiewicz, Gastroenterologist
Fibre Fuelled
David Klein PhD
Self Healing Colitis and Crohn’s
Dr John Kelly
Stop Feeding your Cancer
NZ/Australian -Focused
James Wilson
Plant Paradigm
John D. Potter-
Thought for food -Why what we eat matters (BTW texts)
Wholefood Living Magazine - Quarterly subscription NZ
Caroline Williams
MOVE -The New Science of Body Over Mind
Food for Thought on Habits and Behaviour
Bruce H.Lipton PhD
The Biology of Belief
James Clear
Atomic Habits
BJ Fogg PhD
Tiny habits
Alan Deutschman
Change or Die
Doug Lisle
The Pleasure trap
Forks over Knives
information, recipes and books
Doctors for Nutrition
information, resources, recipes, practitioner listing
UK Plant Based Health Professionals
webinars, videos, information, resources
T.Colin Campbell Centre for Nutrition Studies
eCornell Certificate in Plantbased Nutrition
Dr Michael Greger
Up to date critical analysis of current nutrition research
Dr Neal Barnard
Multiple resources patients, medical practitioners and students for effecting healthy lifestyle change
NZ/Australian focussed
Dr Nick Wright and Morgan Smith
videos, guidance, information
Dr Malcolm Mackay and Jenny Cameron
information, events, retreats
Forks Over Knives- free to stream from their website
What the Health
Game changers-available on Netflix
Code Blue-available on Amazon Prime
That Sugar Film-available on Amazon prime